Badenkov, Y., Schaaf, T., Yashina, T. (2022). Mountain Biosphere Reserves as Model Territories: Reconciling the Goals of Biological/Cultural Heritage Conservation and Development. In: Sarmiento, F.O. (eds) Montology Palimpsest. Montology, vol 1. Springer, Cham.
Schaaf, Th. & Ph.Pypaert: UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) - 50 Years. Video interview conducted by N. Ferrier (2022). Association of Former UNESCO Staff Members. Paris. (Watch interview which will play after ads).
Price, M.F., Schaaf, T., Cárdenas Tomažič, M.R., Fontanella Pisa, P., Köck, G. (2022), The World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves. In: Schneiderbauer, S., Szarzynski, J., Fontanella Pisa, P., & Shroder, J. (eds.), Safeguarding Mountain Ecosystems, Elsevier, 9780128220955, in press.
Price, M.F., Schaaf, Th., Cárdenas Tomažič, M.R. (2021): "Mountain research in UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme: the first five decades". In: eco-mont - Jounal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management, Vol. 13, special issue, December 2021. Weblink
Schaaf, Th. (2020): "Das Programm 'Man and the Biosphere' der UNESCO und die 'Minett UNESCO Biosphäre' aus der Perspektive der UNESCO". In: Mutations - Mémoire et perspectives du Bassin Minier. Fondation Bassin Minier (ed.), Luxembourg, 2020. ISSN 2078-7634.
Schaaf, Th. (2017): Book review on "Asian Sacred Natural Sites: Philosophy and Practice in Protected Areas and Conservation" (ed. by Bas Verschuuren and Naoya Furuta). Published in the journal Mountain Research and Development, Vol. 37, Issue 2, May 2017.
Schaaf, Th. & Rodrigues, D. (2016): Managing MIDAs – Harmonising the management of Multi-Internationally Designated Areas: Ramsar Sites, World Heritage sites, Biosphere Reserves, UNESCO Global Geoparks. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. Published in English, French, Korean, Spanish.
Ibisch, P.L., Hobson, P., Krause, A., Wünsch, A., Kloiber, J., Krykbaeva, R., Gabdullina, A., Yashina, T., Schaaf, Th. (2015): Great Altay Transboundary Biosphere Reserve. Development of a management plan of the Great Altay Transboundary Biosphere Reserve, Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation. Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management, Eberswalde. ISBN 978-3-9817639-1-1.
Richard, Th., Stewart, N. & Schaaf, Th. (2014): Drylands – Sustaining Livelihoods and Conserving Ecosystem Services. The United Nations University (UNU-INWEH), Hamilton, Canada.
Schaaf, Th. (2013) (Series Editor): Innovative Ways of Managing Drylands. UNESCO-MAB, Paris.
Schaaf, Th. (2012) (Series Editor): Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands – New Insights on Managing Drylands. Proceedings of the Eighth International Project Workshop, held in Alexandria, Egypt, 6-9 November 2010. UNESCO-MAB, Paris.
Schaaf, Th. (2011): “Interim Review of the Implementation of the Madrid Action Plan for Biosphere Reserves and Regional Collaboration in the Asia-Pacific Region”. In: Are Climate Change and Other Emerging Challenges Being Met Through Successful Achievement of Biosphere Reserves? Proceedings of the 6th South East Asian Biosphere Reserves Network (SeaBRNet) Meeting, held in Cibodas Biosphere Reserve (Indonesia, 23-25 February 2011. UNESCO Office, Jakarta.
Schaaf, Th. (2011): “Results of the International Advisory Committee for Biosphere Reserves and the Expert Meeting on MAB Research Sites”. In: Are Climate Change and Other Emerging Challenges Being Met Through Successful Achievement of Biosphere Reserves? Proceedings of the 6th South East Asian Biosphere Reserves Network (SeaBRNet) Meeting, held in Cibodas Biosphere Reserve (Indonesia, 23-25 February 2011. UNESCO Office, Jakarta.
Schaaf, Th. (2010) (officer-in-charge): Teaching Resource Kit for Mountainous Countries – A Creative Approach to Environmental Education. UNESCO-MAB, Paris. Published in English, French, Spanish.
Schaaf, Th. & Rossler, M. (2010): “Sacred Natural Sites, Cultural Landscapes and UNESCO’s Action”. In: Sacred Natural Sites – Conserving Nature & Culture. Edited by B. Verschuuren, R. Wild, J.A. McNeely, G. Oviedo. Earthscan, London, Washington, D.C. ISBN 978-1-84971-166-1.
Schaaf, Th. (2009): “Research Strategy on Global Change in Mountain Biosphere Reserves: Follow-up to the GLOCHAMORE project”. In: MRI NEWS – Newsletter of the Mountain Research Initiative, No. 3, October 2009, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland.
Schaaf, Th. (2009): “Mountain Biosphere Reserves – A People-centred Approach that also Links Global Knowledge”. In: Sustainable Mountain Development No. 55, ICIMOD (Kathmandu, Nepal), Spring 2009.
Lee, C. & Schaaf, Th. (2008) (editors): The Future of Drylands. Proceedings of the international scientific conference on desertification and drylands research, Tunis, Tunisia, 19-21 June 2006. UNESCO, ISBN 978-92-3-104052-8.
Schaaf, Th. (2008): “UNESCO’s Experience of Fifty Years of Dryland Research and Outreach”. In: The Future of Drylands. Proceedings of the international scientific conference on desertification and drylands research, Tunis, Tunisia, 19-21 June 2006. UNESCO, ISBN 978-92-3-104052-8, pp. 775-786.
Schaaf, Th. (2008) (officer-in-charge): Teaching Resource Kit for Dryland Countries – A Creative Approach to Environmental Education. UNESCO-MAB, Paris Published in Arabic, English, French, Spanish.
Lee, C. & Schaaf, Th. (2008) (editors): Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands – Using Science to Promote Sustainable Development. UNESCO-MAB, Paris.
Adeel, Z., King, C., Schaaf, Th., Schuster, B., Thomas, R., (2008): People in Marginal Drylands – Managing Natural Resources to Improve Human Well-being. United Nations University, International Network on Water, Environment and Health (UNI-INWEH), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. ISBN 92-808-6009-7.
Lee, C. & Schaaf, Th. (2007) (editors): Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands (SUMAMAD). Proceedings of the Fifth Project Workshop, held in Aleppo, Syria, 12 – 17 November 2006. UNESCO-MAB, Paris.
Schaaf, Th. (2007): "The Involvement of UNESCO-MAB and the World Heritage Centre in Biodiversity Conservation through Sacred Natural Sites". In: Proceedings of the 10th Meeting of the UNESCO-MAB East Asian Biosphere Reserve Network, held at Terelj National Park, Mongolia, 1-5 September 2007. Published by UNESCO-Beijing Office, Beijing, China.
Schaaf, Th. (2007): "The Involvement of UNESCO-MAB and the World Heritage Centre in Biodiversity Conservation through Sacred Natural Sites". In: Proceedings of the 10th Meeting of the UNESCO-MAB East Asian Biosphere Reserve Network, held at Terelj National Park, Mongolia, 1-5 September 2007. Published by UNESCO-Beijing Office, Beijing, China.
Zafar Adeel, Schaaf, Th. et al. (2007): Re-thinking Policies to Cope with Desertification. Policy Brief based on the joint international conference: "desertification and the international policy imperative", Algiers, Algeria, 17 – 19 December 2006. Published by UNU-INWEH, Hamilton, Canada. ISBN 92-808-6004-6.
Schaaf, Th. (2007): "Herausforderungen des globalen Umweltwandels - Internationale wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit Hilfe der Gebirgsbiosphärenreservate". In: UNESCO heute, Nr. 2/2007 (2nd half year), pp. 31 - 33. ISSN 0937-924X).
Schaaf, Th. & Lee, C. (2006) (Volume Editors): Conserving Cultural and Biological Diversity: The Role of Sacred Natural Sites and Cultural Landscapes. Proceedings of the international symposium held 30 May - 2 June 2005, Tokyo, Japan. UNESCO, Paris, France. 342 pp. ISBN 9789231040450.
Schaaf, Th. (2006): "UNESCO's Role in the Conservation of Mountain Resources and Sustainable Development". In: Global Environmental Research, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 117-123. Association of the Research Initiatives for Environmental Studies, Tokyo, Japan. ISSN 1343-8808.
Schaaf, Th. (2005): "Overview on SUMAMAD Project and workshop objectives". In: Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands (SUMAMAD) Proceedings: Third Project Workshop, held in Djerba, Tunisia, 11 – 15 December 2004. UNESCO-MAB, Paris.
Lee, C. & Schaaf, Th. (2005) (Volume Editors): Global Change Impacts in Mountain Biosphere Reserves. Proceedings of two international thematic workshops, held in l’Aquila, Italy, 29 Nov. – 2 Dec. 2004; and Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve, 14 – 17 March 2005. UNESCO, Paris.
Lee, C. & Schaaf, Th. (2005) (Volume Editors): Combating Desertification: Traditional Knowledge and Modern Technology for the Sustainable Management of Dryland Ecosystems. Proceedings of the international workshop, Elizsta, Russian Federation, 23 – 27 June 2004. UNESCO-MAB Drylands Series No. 4, UNESCO, Paris.
Lee, C. & Schaaf, Th. (2004) (Volume Editors): Global Environmental and Social Monitoring. Proceedings of the international thematic workshop, Vienna, Austria, 9 – 11 May 2004. UNESCO, Paris.
Lee, C. & Schaaf, Th. (2004) (editors): Global Change Research in Mountain Biosphere Reserves. Proceedings of the International Launching Workshop held in Entlebuch Biosphere Reserve, November 2003. UNESCO, Paris. SC-2004/WS/18. 206pp.
Lee, C. & Schaaf, Th. (2003) (Volume Editors): Combating Desertification: Rehabilitation of Degraded Drylands and Biosphere Reserves. Proceedings of the international workshop, Aleppo, Syria, 2 – 3 May 2002. UNESCO-MAB Drylands Series No. 2, UNESCO, Paris.
Schaaf, Th. (2003): “The UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves and the World Heritage Convention - Differences and complements”. In: Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka. Volume 31, Issue 1-2, pages 395 – 406.
Lee, C. & Schaaf, Th. (2003) (editors): The Importance of Sacred Natural Sites for Biodiversity Conservation. Proceedings of the international workshop, Kunming and Xishuangbanna Biosphere Reserve, China, 17 – 20 February 2003. UNESCO, Paris. SC-2003/WS/33. 167pp.
Schaaf, Th. (2003): “Biosphere Reserves: Tangible and Intangible Values”. In: The Full Values of Parks: From Economics to the Intangible. Edited by D. Harmon and A.D. Putney. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford. ISBN 0-7425-2714-X.
Schaaf, Th. (2002): “Sitios sagrados – Integridad cultural y diversidad biológica: un nuevo proyecto de la UNESCO”. In: Paisajes culturales en los Andes. UNESCO-Peru, Lima, 2002; pp. 229 – 235. ISBN 9972-841-01-4.
Schaaf, Th. (2002): “Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme of UNESCO: An Introduction”. In: Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Managing Biosphere Reserves in South and Central Asia. Edited by P.S. Ramakrishan, P.K. Ria, R.P.S. Katwal, S. Mehndiratta. New Delhi 2002. Pp. 3-8. ISBN 81-204-1544-2.
Schaaf, Th. (2002): “Land Degradation and Rehabilitation in Drylands Using Biosphere Reserves”. In: Proceeding of the International Seminar on Combating Desertification: Freshwater Resources and the Rehabilitation of Degraded Areas in Drylands, N’Djamena, Chad. UNESCO-MAB Drylands Series No. 1., UNESCO, Paris, 2002.
Dupuy, A., Lee, C. & Schaaf, Th. (2002) (Volume Editors): Combating Desertification: Freshwater Resources and the Rehabilitation of Degraded Areas in the Drylands. Proceedings of the international seminar, N’Djamena, Chad, 30 October – 4 November 2000. UNESCO-MAB Drylands Series No. 1, UNESCO, Paris.
Schaaf, Th. (2001): “The International Year of Mountains (2002) and its Relations to Sacred Mountains”. In: Final Report of the UNESCO Thematic Expert Meeting on Asia-Pacific Sacred Mountains. Published by UNESCO World Heritage Centre/Agency of Cultural Affairs of Japan/Wakayama Prefectural Government. Urban Connections, Tokyo.
Schaaf, Th. (2001): “An Overview of UNESCO’s Activities in the Field of Dryland Conservation, Management and Rehabilitation”. In: Integrated Land Management in Dry Areas, UNU Desertification Series No. 4, United Nations University, Tokyo, 2001, pp. 29 - 43. ISBN 92-808-8002-0.
(40) UNESCO/ICSU (2000): International Scientific Programmes on Environment and Sustainable Development (edited by T. Schaaf). Proceedings of the Special Forum held at the World Conference on Sciences, Budapest (Hungary), 30 June 1999. UNESCO-Paris, 2000.
Schaaf, Th. (1999): “Environmental conservation based on sacred sites”. In: Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity – a Complementary Contribution to the Global Biodiversity Assessment, UNEP, 1999, pp. 341-342, ISBN 1-85339-394-0.
Ruoss, E. & Schaaf, Th. (1999): “Vom Schutzgebiet zur nachhaltigen Regionalentwicklung: Die Sevilla-Strategie”. In: Zukunft der Kulturlandschaften in der Schweiz – Tagungsbericht Symposium Sörenberg/Entlebuch, 28./29. Mai 1998, pp. 53-56. October 1999, ISSN 1424-1919.
Schaaf, Th. (1999): “UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme in mountain areas”. In: Unasylva (FAO journal), Vol. 50, 1999/1, No. 196. pp. 31-34.
Schaaf, Th. (1998): “UNESCO's mountain activities and the MAB Programme”. Presentation made at the 4th International Symposium of the African Mountains Association (AMA), Madagascar, May 1997. In: African Mountain Development in a Changing World. Edited by: Hans Hurni and Joselyne Ramamonjisao; African Mountains Association (AMA) and Geographica Bernensia. ISBN 3-906151-33-6.
Schaaf, Th. (1998): „Biosphärenreservate: Zentraler Bestandteil des UNESCO-Programms Der Mensch und die Biosphäre”. In: Geographie und Naturschutz: Beiträge zu einer naturverträglichen Entwicklung. Bundesamt für Naturschutz. Edited by K.-H. Erdmann, H.-R. Bork and K. Grunewald. Bonn. ISBN 3-927907-77-4. pp. 7-12.
Schaaf, Th. (1998): "Sacred Groves in Ghana: Experiences from an Integrated Project". In: Conserving the Sacred for Biodiversity Management, edited by P.S. Ramakrishnan, G. Saxena, U.M. Chandrashekara, Science Publishers Inc., USA/India. ISBN: 1-57808-036-3, pp. 145-150.
Schaaf, Th. (1998): "The Man and the Biosphere Programme: Past, Present and Future". Keynote address. In: Biodiversity Conservation - Traditional Knowledge and Modern Concepts. Published by the Environmental Protection Agency, Ghana. ISBN: 9988-557-48-5.
Schaaf, Th. (1997): "Das UNESCO-Programm Der Mensch und die Biosphäre (MAB) - die Bedeutung der Biosphärenreservate weltweit". In: Auenreport - Beiträge aus dem Naturpark "Brandenburgische Elbtalaue edited by J. Fischer, Landesanstalt für Großschutzgebiete, Rühstädt, pp. 12-18.
Schaaf, Th. (1997): "Umweltschutz durch Kultur". In: UNESCO heute, 44th year, No. III, 1997, pp. 73-75.
Schaaf, Th. (1997): "Der Beitrag der UNESCO zur Förderung des internationalen Naturschutzes". In: International Naturschutz, edited by K.-H. Erdmann, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1997, pp. 47-59. (ISBN 3-540-62432-5).
Schaaf, Th. (1996): Lebensunterhalt durch Umweltschutz? - UNESCO Projekte in afrikanischen Biosphärenreservatem. In: UNESCO heute, 43Jg., Ausgabe IV, Winter 1996, pp. 331-333.
Griffiths, R. and Schaaf, Th. (1996) (editors): Towards a Sustainable City – Methods of Urban Ecological Planning and its Applications in Tianjin, China. UNESCO, Paris. Published in English and Chinese.
Griffiths, R. and Schaaf, Th. (1996) (editors): Ecological Management of Municipal Wastewater - A Case Study of Slow-Rate Land Treatment in Shenyang, China. UNESCO, Paris Published in English and Chinese.
Griffiths, R. and Schaaf, Th. (1996) (editors): Ecological Effects of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Dexing Copper Mine Region in Jiang Xi Province, China. UNESCO, Paris. Published in English and Chinese.
Schaaf, Th. (1995): "Sacred groves - environmental conservation based on traditional beliefs". In: Culture and Agriculture, UNESCO, World Decade for Cultural Development, pp. 43-45. Published in English, French and Spanish.
Schaaf, Th. (1995): "Thesen und Forderungen zum Thema 'Kultur und Tourismus im Hochgebirge aus ganzheitlicher Sicht'". In: Verreiste Berge. K. Luger and K. Inmann (Eds.), StudienVerlag Innsbruck-Wien, pp. 349 -356.
Schaaf, Th. (1994) (editor): Newsletter No. 6 of the ‘Cooperative Ecological Research Project’ (CERP). UNESCO, Paris, 24 pages.
Schaaf, Th. (1994): „Ökosystemforschung in China“. In: UNESCO heute, 41st year, No. IV, winter 1994, pp. 416-123.
Schaaf, Th. (1994): „Heilige Wälder für den Natur- und Umweltschutz“. In: UNESCO heute, 41st year, No. II, summer 1994, pp. 181-183.
Schaaf, Th. (1993): "UNESCO-MAB Integrated Mountain Research and Environmental Conservation". In: Conference Papers 21 of EuroMAB IV symposium ‘Mountain Zonality Facing Global Change’, Alicja Breymeyer (Ed.), Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 1995, pp. 9 - 16.
Schaaf, Th. (1993) (editor): Newsletter No. 5 of the ‘Cooperative Ecological Research Project’ (CERP). UNESCO, Paris, 16 pages.
Schaaf, Th. (1993): "Les écosystèmes urbains - Recherches internationales dans le cadre du Programme sur l'homme et la biosphère (MAB) de l'UNESCO". In: Actes du séminaire sur "La ville marocaine - espace et société. Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Publications de la Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Fes, Morocco.
Schaaf, Th. and Manshard, W. (1992): “The significance of towns as central places for rural development in the border region of Ghana and the Ivory Coast”. In: Applied Geography and Development, Vol. 40, Tübingen, p. 39-50.
Schaaf, Th. (1992): « Le programme sur l'homme et la biosphère (MAB) de l'UNESCO - Coopération internationale et scientifique sur l'environnement ». In: Actes du 3ème colloque de Casablanca, février 1991, Université Hassan II, Publications de la Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines I, Maroc.
Schaaf, Th. et al. (1991): Newsletter No. 4 of the ‘Cooperative Ecological Research Project’ (CERP). UNESCO, Paris, 16 pages.
Von Droste, B. and Schaaf, Th. (1991): "Der Mensch und die Biosphäre (MAB) - ein internationales Forschungsprogramm der UNESCO“. In: Geographische Rundschau, Heft 4, April 1991, p. 202-205.
Schaaf, Th. and Manshard, W. (1990): „Die zentralörtliche Bedeutung der Städte für die ländliche Entwicklung im Grenzgebiet von Ghana und der Elfenbeinküste“. In: Beiträge zur Agrarwirtschaft der Tropen, Freiburger Geographische Hefte, Vol. 30, p. 107-117.
Schaaf, Th. and Manshard, W. (1989): „Ländliche Pioniersiedlungen in der Feuchtwald- und Feuchtsavannenzone Ghanas und der Elfenbeinküste“. In: PAIDEUMA, Vol. 35, p. 221-229.
Schaaf, Th. and Manshard, W. (1989): “The Growth of Spontaneous Agricultural Colonization in the Border Area of Ghana and the Ivory Coast”. In: Applied Geography and Development, Vol. 34, Tübingen, p. 7-22.
Bohle, H.-G. and Schaaf, Th. (1989) (editors): Westafrika - Berichte von einer geographischen Exkursion. University of Freiburg, Germany, 172 pages.
Schaaf, Th.: „Ländliche Pioniersiedlungen in der Brong-Ahafo Region Ghanas unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Kakaoanbaus“. In: Natürliche Ressourcen und ländliche Entwicklungsprobleme der Tropen, Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden, p. 42-52.
Schaaf, Th. and Manshard, W. (1988): „Probleme der ungelenkten Agrarkolonisation in Ghana und der Elfenbeinküste“. In: ERDKUNDE, Vol. 42, p. 26-36.
Schaaf, Th. (1987): Ungelenkte Agrarkolonisation und regional Disparitäten in Ghana und der Elfenbeinbküste. Doctoral dissertation, University of Freiburg, Germany, 227 pages.
Schaaf, Th. (1984): Die Funktionsteilung der drei größten Städte Ohios - Columbus, Cleveland und Cincinnati - und ihre Auswirkung auf die Bevölkerungsentwicklung. Master's thesis, University of Freiburg, Germany, 110 pages.