
Terra-Sana environmental consulting is led by Dr. Thomas Schaaf, former Director a.i. of the UNESCO Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences. In this function, he was also Secretary of the UNESCO-Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme.


We offer the following services in 3 languages (English, French, German):

  • Advisory services for the designation of biosphere reserves which can be internationally recognized by UNESCO
  • Evaluation of existing UNESCO biosphere reserves
  • Training courses and lectures on the concept and management of biosphere reserves
  • Moderation of seminars and workshops on topics including nature conservation, sustainable development, environmental research
  • Studies on internationally designated areas (biosphere reserves, natural world heritage sites, global geoparks, Ramsar sites)
  • Guest lecturing at universities on international nature conservation and sustainable development
  • Advisory services for management plans of protected areas.

Throughout his 30 years of professional work, Dr. Thomas Schaaf carried out over 280 missions in all world regions as advisor on biosphere reserves, moderator of seminars and lecturer on international nature conservation. He has authored or edited more than 70 publications.


Dr. Thomas Schaaf is the 2013 laureate of the Conservation Award of the Chinese MAB Committee (Chinese Academy of Sciences) in recognition of his contribution to the development of Chinese MAB activities and the East Asian Biosphere Reserve Network.

©Thomas Schaaf
©Thomas Schaaf
©Thomas Schaaf
©Thomas Schaaf